Residents Portal

Resources for Residents

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)

The Employment and Income Assistance Program (EIA) provides financial help to Manitobans who have no other way to support themselves or their families. This includes benefits from the Rent Assist Program that helps with housing costs. For people who are able to work, EIA will help them go back to work by providing supports to employment

Web Site:

Main Office

Employment and Income Assistance - Client Services, Families

Winnipeg Office(s)

Employment and Income Assistance, Jobs On Market
Main Floor - 128 Market Ave
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3B 3N2

Health and Social Services Centre
Access Winnipeg West, 280 Booth Dr
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3J 3R7

T: 204-940-2040
F: 204-940-2636

St. Boniface Office
Accès Access St. Boniface, 170 Goulet St
Winnipeg , Manitoba

T: 204-948-4290
F: 204-948-3282

Downtown - Point Douglas
640 Main Street Office
2nd Floor - 640 Main St (Access Downtown)
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3B 0L8

T: 204-940-8441
F: 204-940-8383

NorWest Access Centre
785 Keewatin St
Winnipeg , Manitoba R2X 3B9

T: 204-938-5900
F: 204-938-5994

Access River East
975 Henderson Hwy
Winnipeg , Manitoba R2K 4L7

T: 204-938-5100
F: 204-938-5229

Seven Oaks Health and Social Services Centre
Unit 3 - 1050 Leila Ave
Winnipeg , Manitoba R2P 1W6

T: 204-938-5600
F: 204-938-5609

Employment and Income Assistance Central Intake
Main fl - 111 Rorie St
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3B 3N1

T: 204-948-4000 Central Intake
F: 204-948-4048

Fort Garry/River Heights
Access Fort Garry, 135 Plaza Dr
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3T 6E8

T: 204-938-5500
F: 204-938-5311

Downtown - Point Douglas
755 Portage Avenue Office
755 Portage Ave
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3G 0N2

T: 204-940-8600
F: 204-940-8481

Rural Manitoba Office(s)

20 1st St S, Box 50
Provincial Building
Beausejour , Manitoba R3J 3W3

T: 204-268-6028 Intake for Eastman
1-866-576-8546 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-268-6048

25 Tupper St N
Provincial Building
Portage La Prairie , Manitoba R1N 3K1

T: 204-239-3110
1-866-513-2185 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-239-3198

Jobs on 9th
157-340 9th Street
Brandon , Manitoba R7A 6C2

T: 204-726-6220

101 - 446 Main St
Provincial Building
Selkirk , Manitoba R1A 1V7

T: 204-785-5105
1-866-475-0215 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-785-5157

2nd Floor, 340 9th St
Provincial Building
Brandon , Manitoba R7A 6C2

T: 204-726-6438
1-866-726-6438 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-726-6434

242 - 323 Main St
Steinbach Place
Steinbach , Manitoba R5G 1Z2

T: 204-346-6390
1-866-682-9782 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-346-6394

309 - 27 2nd Ave SW
Provincial Building
Dauphin , Manitoba R7N 3E5

T: 204-622-2035
1-866-355-3494 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-638-3278

201 4th Ave S, Box 997
Swan River , Manitoba R0L 1Z0

T: 204-734-3491
1-888-269-6498 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-734-5151

102 - 143 Main St,, Barrow Provincial Building
Flin Flon , Manitoba R8A 1K2

T: 204-687-1700
1-866-443-2291 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-687-1708

3rd St and Ross Ave, Box 2550, Provincial Building
The Pas , Manitoba R9A 1M4

T: 204-627-8311
1-866-443-2292 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-627-8265

290 North Railway St
Morden , Manitoba R6M 1S7

T: 204-822-2870
1-888-310-0568 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-822-2879

Main Floor, 59 Elizabeth Dr, Box 22, Provincial Building
Thompson , Manitoba R8N 1X4

T: 204-677-6713
1-866-677-6713 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-677-6517