This form is completed and maintained by Department of Families staff to document allegations of, and investigations into, possible abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person.  Part 1 of the form supports the review of information received from a reporter and the gathering of information to determine whether the incident is a valid allegation of possible abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person.  Part 2 is the investigation report, which includes a conclusion as to whether the Department of Families staff responsible for conducting the investigation has found the allegation to be substantiated, inconclusive, or unsubstantiated, as well as recommendations for follow-up actions.

This is the application form completed by individuals to assist the Department of Families in determining the individual's eligibility for the Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) program.  By completing the form, the individual authorizes the Province of Manitoba, Department of Families or its representative to obtain from any physician, hospital, school, social services agency or any relevant source, the medical, psychological or psychiatric information required for the purposes of confirming the individual's eligibility for the CLDS program.
This document outlines the process residential care facility operators or licensees must follow when seeking Department of Families approval of an individualized support plan for a Community Living disABILITY Services participant.  Individualized support plans define the period of time an individual can be home without a care provider in a residential care facility.
This document describes the Community Living disABILITY Services program intake process and provides Department of Families staff with guidance with respect to responding to referrals, making determinations of eligibility or ineligibility, and issuing letters of notification of eligibility or ineligibility.
This document outlines the purpose and process of mediation in the event of a dispute between two or more parties regarding an individual's eligibility for the Community Living disABILITY Services program, or the design or implementation of the individual's support plan.
This form, initiated by Department of Families staff for Community Living disABILITY Services program participants who require (or desire) assistance with the management of their personal funds and completed by service provider staff or department staff depending on the individual's living arrangement, constitutes the participant's personal financial plan.  The form records information such as a support needs assessment, required supports, income and expenditures, and a personalized budget.
This checklist, completed and maintained by service providers in the event of a delay in receiving a clear Adult Abuse Registry check or a clear Child Abuse Registry check for an employee providing day services or transportation services, outlines the steps the service provider must complete and the information that must be kept on file.
This document provides guidance to Department of Families staff regarding providing informal and formal access to the personal information contained in the personal file of individual with a mental disability (as defined by The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act), as well as information regarding restrictions to access and department obligations.
This document provides Department of Families staff with information regarding complaints individuals with a mental disability (as defined by The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act) or their representatives can make to the Manitoba Ombudsman, how to respond to recommendations, and the department's obligations when the Ombudsman or court is involved.
This form, completed by a legally appointed authority responsible for the property of a Community Living disABILITY Services program participant (if applicable) and submitted to the participant's financial institution, advises the financial institution that the participant no longer requires a co-signed account and that the participant should be the only signer on his/her account.
This form is completed by Department of Families service delivery staff to refer a Community Living disABILITY Services program participant for a Supports Intensity Scale interview.  The form includes information about the participant, the reason for referral, and the names of individuals and respondents who will be involved in the interview process, including their relationship to the participant or service provider agency. 
This document describes the bridgeback service option that may be available to eligible Community Living disABILITY Services participants when their employment is terminated or follow-up services become so intensive that the participant no longer meets eligibility criteria for that service option.  Bridgeback services allow eligible participants to re-access day services funding to assist them to re-establish themselves in employment in the community.
This form is completed by service providers providing supported independent living services to eligible Community Living disABILITY Services participants and submitted to the Department of Families for approval.  It includes information about the participant, such as their support budget level, the proposed per diem, and the services and supports the individual requires.
This form is completed by the Public Guardian and Trustee (when appointed as the substitute decision maker for a Community Living disABILITY Services program participant for decisions involving property and or/personal care) to report any changes to the participant's personal financial plan to the community service worker. 
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