This form is the Attending Physician Invoice template, for compensation of a physician providing evidence to the Mental Health Review Board on an individual coming before the Board in a hearing under The Mental Health Act.

This form is applicable to­­­­­­­­­­­ attending physician after a hearing or if they prepared and submitted a report but the hearing is cancelled. This form ensures compensation of the physician's time for preparation of the report, which is not compensated under Manitoba Health Insured Benefits.

This form is processed by the Department of Health, Seniors and Active Living.

This form, the Attending Physician Summary Template, is used when an issue (appeal or examination for Order of Committeeship) is under review at a hearing before the Mental Health Review Board. It is intended to simplify the attending physician's presentation at the hearing and to provide background information and health history on the patient under review at a hearing.

This form is applicable to the ­­­­­­­­attending physicians providing services/treatment to the individual patient under examination in a hearing before the Board.  

This form is processed by the Mental Health Review Board of the Department of Health, Seniors and Active Living, and a copy must be provided to the patient prior to the hearing.

This form is used for patients to provide written consent to receive acupuncture as part of their treatment at Selkirk Mental Health Centre. This form is available to Selkirk Mental Health Centre physiotherapist, patients and staff members. This form is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.

This form is used to authorize Selkirk Mental Health Centre staff to place the patient in seclusion under the following circumstances: the patient is in danger of harming themselves or others, having troubles settling for the night, after receiving calming medication, or needing less stimulus to calm themselves. This form is available to Selkirk Mental Health Centre patients and treatment team staff members. This form is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre and The Mental Health Act c.110 of Manitoba.


This form is used to give permission to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre staff to take or to cause to be taken audio or video recordings of their patients. This form is available to Selkirk Mental Health Centre patient and staff members. This form is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.


This form ensures all reports include standardized data elements related to alleged abuse and neglect of patients for the purpose of: data collection, screening, file creation, storage and reporting. This form is applicable to the public, alleged victim(s), alleged abuser, family/committee, reporter, facility contact, The Protection for Persons in Care Office (PPCO) and the Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living.  Individuals and facilities under The Health Services Insurance Act fills out the report form. This form is submitted by the health care facilities/staff, patients and the public to and processed by The Protection for Persons in Care Office.


This six-part form is an application to the Office of the Chief Provincial Psychiatrist (Director of Psychiatry) to permit a patient, who has been involuntarily admitted, to leave the Manitoba psychiatric facility in which they are being treated for a temporary period, while continuing in required psychiatric treatment.

This form is applicable to­­­­­­­­­­­ patients involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric facility in Manitoba, their attending physician or psychiatrist, and the Mental Health Review Board.

This form is processed by the attending physician/psychiatrist and the Mental Health Review Board.


This four part form is required when an attending psychiatrist renews a person's involuntary status in a psychiatric hospital or facility in Manitoba.

This form is applicable to­­­­­­­­­­­ the attending physician(s) or psychiatrist(s).

This form is processed by the Mental Health Review Board to monitor for hearings which are scheduled if deemed necessary.


This policy authorizes the Director of Psychiatric Services (the Chief Provincial Psychiatrist) to issue an Order of Committeeship on any person he/she believes to have severe mental health problems or illnesses and therefore unable to manage his or her property or personal care. An Order of Committeeship appoints The Public Trustee of Manitoba as committee of the person's property and personal care to protect those with a mental health problem, illness or disorder through provisions in The Mental Health Act.

This policy is applicable to Manitobans over the age of majority determined or suspected of being incapable of dealing with their own affairs due to mental health problems, illnesses or disorders. This policy is enforced by the Department of Health, Seniors and Active Living.

This policy serves to provide affiliating students with mental health care clinical/work experience at Selkirk Mental Health Centre. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre chief executive officers, education services manager, mental health nurse educators, education services coordinators, program managers, patient services coordinators, quality risk and innovation manger, staff and affiliating clinical instructors. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.


This policy is specifically intended to address issues arising from patient abuse. This policy includes references to prevention, protocol and procedures in dealing with reports of patient abuse. The categories of reportable abuse as they relate to patients are as follows: patient-to-patient, staff-to-patient, volunteer-to-patient and visitor-to-patient.

This policy is applicable to all Manitoba Psychiatric Facilities - a place designated under The Mental Health Act as a facility for the observation, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of persons who live with a mental health disorder.

This policy is enforced by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living.

This policy serves as a guide to provide specific instructions for the safe use of proximity (key) cards by patients and grey fobs by visiting family members so they can access the Acquired Brain Injury areas or the Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Area at Selkirk Mental Health Centre. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre treatment team staff and patients and their families. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.

This form is a referral to the Geriatric Program that provides specialized geriatric mental health services for individuals 65 years of age or older in adherence with set guidelines, which the Selkirk Mental Health Centre intake team reviews. This form is available to external agencies within the Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba. This form is enforced by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living.

This policy serves to provide financial assistance for books and tuition up to a maximum value of $2,000 per academic year for Selkirk Mental Health Centre employees returning to school to upgrade their qualifications but does not apply to continuing education requirements for licensure. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre employee applicant, supervisors, managers, human resources and bursary advisory committee members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.


This agreement is to facilitate the connection of Selkirk Mental Health Centre patients to appropriate and safe companion services. This agreement is available to Selkirk Mental Health Centre patients, patient's family, committee or treatment team. This agreement is enforced by the Selkirk Mental Health Centre, and in accordance with the laws of and by the courts of the Province of Manitoba.

This policy serves as a guide to ensure Selkirk Mental Health Centre staff working with Manitoba Review Board (Criminal Code) patients are aware of the Victim's Bill of Rights legislation and their subsequent duty to warn. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre treatment team staff, social worker and area secretary. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.

This policy serves as a guide to ensure transportation is available to Selkirk Mental Health Centre patients requiring non-emergent medical services via stretcher. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre physician, nurse and Selkirk Mental Health Centre staff escort. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.

This policy serves to outline Selkirk Mental Health Centre Acute Program description and admission criteria. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre on-call psychiatrist, medical director, practice lead psychologist, program manager and patient services coordinator staff members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.

This policy provides guidelines for the collection, limited use and disposal of audio/video recording of patients at Selkirk Mental Health Centre. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre chief executive officer, privacy officer and all program staff. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.


This policy serves to ensure that relevant patient information and all required signed documentation is completed upon admission to Selkirk Mental Health Centre. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre treatment team and health information services and technology staff members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre and The Mental Health Act of Manitoba.

This policy ensures Health Information Services at Selkirk Mental Health Centre processes requests for personal information while maintaining confidentiality. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre medical records technician and staff members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre.

This policy ensures patient information at Selkirk Mental Health Centre will only be disclosed according to The Mental Health Act of Manitoba. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre medical director and privacy officer staff members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre and the Mental Health Act of Manitoba.


This policy serves to ensure all patients of a psychiatric facility have the right to refuse consent to psychiatric or other medical treatment subject to the provisions of The Mental Health Act. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre intake team staff members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre and The Mental Health Act.

This policy provides guidance to Selkirk Mental Health Centre staff on the least restraint philosophy and provide general instructions on using restraints. This policy is applicable to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre nurse, physician and treatment team staff members. This policy is enforced by Selkirk Mental Health Centre and Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, M.R. 217/2006.

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