Forms and Policies

Application for a Licence to engage in Foreign Worker Recruitment (Part 2)

A licence is required from Employment Standards for persons engaging in foreign worker recruitment in Manitoba under the Worker Recruitment and Protection Act.  This Act increases protections for foreign workers and provides the criteria and obligations that recruiters must meet to be approved for a licence in Manitoba. This is Part 2 of the application form which will be provided to applicants after Part 1 has been reviewed by our office.

Main Office

Employment Standards, Labour and Immigration 604 - 401 York Ave
Norquay Building
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3C 0P8

T: 204-945-3352
1-800-821-4307 (in Manitoba)
F: 204-948-3046

Rural Manitoba Office(s)

328 - 340 9th St
Provincial Building
Brandon , Manitoba R7A 6C2

T: 204-945-3352
F: 204-726-6749