This circular outlines options for participants or EIA staff in addressing illegal rent increases.
The following information will assist case workers with CDS in transitioning supply needs for children currently enrolled in CDS to the EIA program should they require financial assistance at the age of majority.
This circular provides information regarding the transition to the new private rent rate structure. It outlines the processes that have been developed to assist clients in making the rate choice that is best for them.
This circular clarifies that EIA staff can reimburse clients for the cost of Medical Identification Bracelets and that Health Services is now responsible for approving hearing aids.
Outlines options for EIA participants to get the identification (ID) they need to have access to services and benefits that will enhance their full participation in society and lead to greater self-sufficiency. |
The intent of this circular is to clarify the appropriate procedures to follow with participants who are, or wish to access subsidized meal services provided via Meals on Wheels, or through Manitoba Housing Food Services (formerly Congregate Meals Program).
This document outlines the process for Department of Families and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority staff to ensure timely and coordinated case management when adults with intellectual disabilities and complex support needs are hospitalized in a Winnipeg-based hospital.
This document defines the Enhanced Program Support service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document provides service provider staff with guidelines to follow for completing and maintaining the My Support Plan form for Community Living disABILITY Services program participants.
This document outlines the role of the Community Service Worker for assisting youth and their families transition into Community Living disABILITY Services as the individual approaches the age of majority (18 years of age).
This form is completed and maintained by Department of Families staff to document allegations of, and investigations into, possible abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person. Part 1 of the form supports the review of information received from a reporter and the gathering of information to determine whether the incident is a valid allegation of possible abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person. Part 2 is the investigation report, which includes a conclusion as to whether the Department of Families staff responsible for conducting the investigation has found the allegation to be substantiated, inconclusive, or unsubstantiated, as well as recommendations for follow-up actions.
This document defines the Clinical Services - Assessment service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components and provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document defines the Clinical Services - Therapy service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components and provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document provides information to employing authorities funded by Community Living disABILITY Services to provide day services and/or transportation services regarding Criminal Record Checks, Child Abuse Registry Checks, and Adult Abuse Registry Checks.
This document defines the Day Services - Personal, Social and Recreational Programming service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document defines the Day Services - Supported Employment service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document defines the Day Services - Vocational Skills Development and Maintenance service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This form is completed by individuals who are not directly involved in a Department of Families protection investigation into an allegation of abuse or neglect against a vulnerable person, but who the department allows to assist or be present in an interview during the course of an investigation.
This document provides direction to Department of Families staff about the declaration of confidentiality process when conducting interviews as part of a formal protection investigation into an allegation of abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person.
This document defines the Drop-In Programs service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document provides information to Department of Families staff regarding the implementation of the service definitions and funding model for the Drop-In Programs service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program.
This form, filled out by Department of Families staff, authorizes the placement of a Community Living disABILITY Services participant in fixed rate contract emergency/alternative staffing placement in Winnipeg.
This document outlines the process by which a Community Living disABILITY Services participant, substitute decision maker, family member, or support network member may request a review of the participant's personal supports budget based on extraordinary support needs.
This document defines the Home Share - 24 Hour Agency Supported service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This document defines the Home Share - 24 Hour Private service model within the Community Living disABILITY Services program, and outlines the model's components, provider qualifications, as well as the funding and mode of delivery parameters.
This form, developed and maintained by service providers, identifies and records the support plan for each individual Community Living disABILITY Services program participant.
This document describes the person-centred individual planning process by which Community Living disABILITY Services participants identify their personal strengths, needs, current interests and aspirations, and make choices, set goals, and identify actions to achieve these goals.
This document provides direction to Department of Families staff regarding allegation reviews and protection investigation practices for examining and assessing allegations of possible abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person. It also outlines the reporting procedures for developmental centres.
This document outlines the process that Department of Families staff follow when service providers submit a request to install video monitoring equipment in Community Living disABILITY Services program-funded facilities. It also outlines the information service providers must provide when making a request to install such equipment.
This document establishes a set of guidelines and standards for service providers to follow when developing and maintain support plans for Community Living disABILITY Services program participants.